Apr 10, 2012

Altstadt District of Frankfurt

With the less than half a square kilometer the Altstadt is the smallest district of Frankfurt. The whole area is build-up and covered just a few space is uncovered. The uncovered area is for river bank, streets, squares, and backyards. The most part of altstadt is reconstructed after World War. A big part of city population is covered with foreigner nations. The whole population of town is around about 3,400 in which 32% are foreigner nations. There are two main streets with name such as “Weissfrauen” and “Berliner” Strasse. Museums and theatres also there in western part of Altstadt. A major reason of good economy of this town is tourism and services jobs. The Places that are mostly visited by foreigners are “Paulskirche”, “Römer”, and the “Cathedral” and as well as city’s administrative branch. In north of district retail industry and in east the residence flats are. This district is also has a political center.
The district altstadt has a underground station “Dom/Römer”. This station is open in 1974. This station connects the altstadt with “Hauptwache” and “Konstablerwache”. Two tramp lines are also served for the district. Three bridges lead out of the “Altstadt” over the main “Alte Brücke”, “Eiserne Steg”, and “Untermainbrücke”.

Area and Population
Covering less than half a square kilometer is the smallest the Altstadt district of Frankfurt. The area is completely built-up with the only open spaces Being Accounted for by the Main and the river bank, the streets, squares and backyards. The building down Predominantly from the reconstruction stage of the post war era, aside from Which there are Numerous historical buildings reconstructed Partly Effective Their destruction in the war.
Approximately 3.400 people reside in the Altstadt of Which year Estimated 32% are of foreign origin. This is above the ratio of the Entire town, but far under That of the other town quarters. The adjacent Neustadt, for example, is home to 44% non-German Inhabitants.
Museums and theaters dominate the western portion of Altstadt and service jobs are a major share of the economy, along Especially Weissfrauen Strasse and Berliner Strasse. The center of Altstadt is a hot spot for the city's tourism industry, with tours around the sights MOST Meaningful Such as Paulskirche, Romer, and the Cathedral, as well as Being the seat of the city's administrative branch. In the north of the district the retail industry is well Represented, Particularly in Neue Strasse and Kräme Töngesgasse. Residential flats are found in the east area in year aussi Which contains MOST of Frankfurt's art trade. (Braubachstraße and Fahrgasse).

By far the Largest in the use of the old city is from the city's administration. Even today the Altstadt is the political center of the city. The city council, Magistrates and a considerable portion of the city departments are located in Römer square, Either in the town hall or in the surrounding Itself properties.
In the past years, two other major facilities abandoned the Altstadt and the city as a whole: the German Federal Court of Auditors of Berliner Strasse Which Itself relocated to Bonn and the headquarters of Degussa from Weissfrauenstrasse Which Moved to Düsseldorf. While the monument-listed building of the German Federal Court of Auditors still stands empty the building form Degussa HAD beens ADOPTED by the city administration.
Other major factoring of the economy are the retail and tourist industries. Although There Were still Numerous small industrial businesses businessman in the narrow lanes up Until the second world war the retail sector now outweighs all other kinds of business. Particularly in Neuen Kräme strasse and as well as along Töngesgasse Berliner strasse Many old, niche eateries can be found. The Fahrgasse and the quarter around the cathedral at the Weckmarkt form the traditional center for antique dealers in Frankfurt.

The Altstadt is remarkably open icts Because of attachment to the suburban network traffic. The underground station "Dom / Römer", opened in 1974, connected the historical core of the city to the Underground lines 4 and 5. The building of the track and the station in the years 1968-1974 Represented a special technical challenge. The underground junction of Willy-Brandt-Platz connects shares of the Altstadt, the rapid-transit system of Hauptwache and Konstablerwache to the north.
Tram lines 11 and 12 operate along the central thoroughfare of Bethmannstrasse-Braubachstraße-Battonnstraße. At the start of the 20th century, two tram lines Were laid through Altstadt, the first - the so-called Dienstmädchenlinie (Handmaid's line) - from the Zeil past the Trierischen Hof (hotel) in the management of the cathedral, the other along the Brauchbachstrasse newly laid east to west in year direction. While the line was never successful Dienstmädchen HAD beens and shut down the Effective first world war, the east-west line and is now known Remained as the Altstadtstrecke. In 1986 icts redundant status was Brought to year end due to the action of the district president in Darmstadt. In the Meantime the Altstadtstrecke Gained a firm place in local public passenger transport, Especially with the Ebbelwei-Express reserves Which year exclusive tourist route.
For private traffic, Effective the second world war Berliner Strasse and Kurt-Schumacher-Strasse as well as the Mainkai Became the Most Important axles. Numerous multi-storey car parks can be found in the northern portion of Altstadt, and year underground car park lies entre le cathedral and the town hall.
Three bridges lead out of the Altstadt over the Main; Alte Brücke, and Untermainbrücke Eiserne Steg.
The Mainkai (Main quay), as the name suggests, stands on the oldest harbor in the city. Even today moored ships are still there, however thesis only serve tourists along the Main and the Rhein. Goods Transport ships can be found INSTEAD, as since the city's early days, in the main harbors of Frankfurt.

The emergence of the Altstadt in the Middle Ages

The Altstadt is on the right bank of the Main on the outer edge of a soft bend in the river. Here was the ford icts Which gave the city name. In the place of today's cathedral was a raised, floodproof plateau, the so-called Dominsel (cathedral island). At the time it was protected in the north by a branch of the hand, the Brauchbach. This island Represents the historic origin of the city and was settled in the neolithic Presumably era. Archaeological excavations in the 1950s and 1990s Brought to light the remainders of a Roman military camp, an Alamanni property yard and a Merovingian king's court. Legends of the founding city name Karl the Great as the city's founder, Which corresponds to the oldest known documents (Frankfurt council, 794), contradicts the goal archaeological findings.
The area of the city INITIALLY Grew out west around the start of the 2nd millennium (around the area west of today's Römerberg). One of the oldest city walls, the Staufenmauer, was Erected connecting the area of thesis and two expansions equated to today's Altstadt. The adjacent district of the Innenstadt equated to the historic Neustadt, an expansion in 1333. On the border two entre le Where was the Jewish ghetto of the Judengasse was established businesses.

The Altstadt in the Early Modern Times

Over the course of the centuries, the population of the city always continued to Increase, whereby the population density of the Altstadt Continuously Increased. The finally HAD buildings up to five full and Storeys (due to the usual, very steep roofs) several attics. Each floor protruded outwards in excess of the one beneath it so the inhabitants of the Highest floors Could reach out and touch the hand of the person living on the other side of the alley.
The old town Began to display a clear structure with three north-south axis identified: in the west ran the Kornmarkt Between Bockenheimer gate (to the church and later named Erected Katharinenpforte) and Leonhardstor (tower) next to Leonhardskirche (church) on the Main . In the middle of the district Neue Kräme connected the two squares of the Largest Altstadt, Liebfrauenberg to Römerberg Towards the south and further Top Fahrtor lying on the bank of the Main and the harbor there. The Fahrgasse ran east of the cathedral from Bornheimer Gate near today's Konstablerwache to the Main Bridge. It was one of the MOST busy traffic streets for Frankfurt in the 20th century.

The six east-west axis Were less clear Amongst the general cityscape. Situated next to the Main was the major thoroughfare of Weckmarkt-Saalgasse-Alte Mainzer Gasse and north of que le-connecting streets of Bendergasse Limpurgergasse-as well as Münzgasse Kannengiessergasse-Markt-Wedelgasse-Barfüssergasse. Aside from major thesis east-west roads was Schnurgasse Approximately Which ran along today's Berlinerstrasse, as well as connecting the fairway of Töngesgasse-Bleidenstrasse Hirschgraben-Grosser. The wood ditch marked the northern edge of the Altstadt.

The majorité of Frankfurt's Inhabitants lived in the densely populated Altstadt, Neustadt while the characteristically suburban Remained Until far into the 18th century with loose land development and agriculture featuring prominently in contrast with Altstadt. The city in general was Divided into fourteen shares the Effective Fettmilch protest of 1614. Seven of the thesis Formed Relatively small Altstadt, five belonged to the Neustadt (Which made ​​it three times bigger than the Altstadt) and two for Sachsenhausen. Each area has Placed Militarily Organised citizen's resistance under the command of a captain Civilian, the only democratically Elected Which department in the corporate Otherwise composed imperial city.
Substantial exchange occurred only to the cityscape Effective Christenbrand the Grossen (a wide fire) of 1719. About 430 houses burned down Were in the north east Altstadt. In order to Prevent Such disasters in the future the council building specifications Intensified in 1720. Between 1740 and 1800 around 3000 houses Were built anew Either Adapted gold. The number and width of overhangs was drastically limited. As well as That Had to Be houses built in the future with eaves side facing the road. Only small attics Were certified as Opposed to gabled dormers.

In 1785 Johann Georg Christian Hess Began his office as the city's architect-general. He wrote a construction statute (1809) (the principles of Which continued with great strength Until 1880) for the city of Frankfurt On behalf of the Grand Duke Carl Theodor of Dalberg. In this statute was Announced as classicism architectural style obligatory year. Hess Initiated the radical architecture of classicism in the spirit of a general clean out. He disliked the conservation efforts of Numerous buildings from the Middle Ages did not Because They accordance to his image of hygiene and aesthetics. In the Neustadt and outside the city walls (reinforced Between 1804 and 1808) Developed new districts Where he was ble to Easily Accomplish his architectural goals. However, in the Altstadt he Encountered tough resistance from the conservative citizenry. Only newly Developing public buildings, for example, Paulskirche (1833) or the Alte Börse (1843) at Paulsplatz Conformed with his classic idealism.
